Remote work, a trend that continues to gain momentum

Several studies have concluded that remote work definitely makes employees more productive and, in general, happier.

As we already know, the pandemic brought with it many changes, among them the possibility of working from anywhere in the world thanks to technology and the various communication channels that exist. This has generated diverse opinions in the companies, in the human resources areas and within the employees themselves. However, we are in an era of transformation that seeks to generate positive changes in the internal processes of organizations, in order to be always improving the working and emotional conditions of employees.

Many wonder whether their team's productivity increased or decreased by not having them all centralized in the same physical location, and several studies have concluded that remote work definitely allows employees to be more productive and, in general, happier.

Applying the remote work model

Bmotik has been learning and applying the remote work model since before the pandemic. Through digital solutions and integrations, it has consolidated a knowledge of practices and implementations that allow companies to keep their employees motivated and connected in an efficient, flexible and productive way. This, by facilitating internal and external communication in a transversal, centralized and adjusted to the needs of the organization.

In 2020 remote work became a necessity, and now an opportunity. Today there are technological tools that allow to get the most out of each worker, monitor the status of tasks and manage work teams through the integration of different platforms, all this allowing people a flexibility and comfort that is of great value to them.

In this way it is possible to integrate the work of people who work from home with the same or more efficiency than if they were in the office.

Let's talk in numbers: The implementation of technology will lead the efficiency in organizational processes

The adoption of remote work in an increasingly digital environment is a reality, the National Survey of Occupation and Employment (ENOE, from Inegi), determines that employment susceptible to be developed under the modality of telework is 10.6%, economists from the Bank of Mexico point out that these tasks can be carried out through information and communication technologies (ICT). In the world, 16% of companies are 100% remote, reports a study by Owl labs.

Remote work or telecommuting is an appreciated trend as a job benefit. According to the IT Labor Market Report 2022, 90.9% of IT professionals want more flexibility from their employers to work in a home office or hybrid model. "Companies that permanently adopt the remote work model will have an advantage in attracting and retaining talent; remote vacancies receive 50% more applicants. Today we have seen companies from all over the world hiring without borders, something that is a possibility thanks to the home office," shares Emmanuel Olvera, CEO and co-founder of Hireline.

Four steps for a successful implementation of remote work

In order to correctly implement the remote work model in a company, it is necessary to take into account these fundamental aspects:

  1. The legislation in force in this regard.
  2. The organizational model that the company has with positions and profiles adjusted to the activity that the teleworker will perform.
  3. Infrastructure and devices that allow interaction between workers and coordination of activities.
  4. Organizational culture and learning curves that employees will have to deal with new technologies

At bmotik we can help you to find the perfect match of technology, organizational culture, integrations and/or customized developments, depending on your infrastructure, size, type of operation and other factors of your organization.



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